Announcement of the Kingdom Merger
Covenant Negotiation will start at 02:00 UTC on January 21, 2021, at this point the Kingdom Envoy will be free to negotiate with other Envoys to sign Covenants. In this server merger announcement, we will provide you with a few simple answers about Covenant Negotiation, focusing on the design of "Kingdom Activity."
What is Kingdom Activity? How does it work?
Answer: Kingdom Activity is a measure of player participation in a Kingdom. It is not the total number of active players in a Kingdom, but is rather based on the average number of players who are logged in to a Kingdom per day (different IP) before Kingdom Covenant is launched. These factors are then entered into a formula which calculates the level of Kingdom Activity.
Criteria for players included in the statistics:
i. A City level of 17 or above (eliminates interference from farm accounts, ensuring the statistical data is accurate).
ii. The player has logged in within fifteen days prior to the start of the "Kingdom Covenant" event (ensuring that the players who are counted are sufficiently active in the game).
2. What is the role of the 'Kingdom Activity' in the Covenant Negotiation stage?
Answer: When a Kingdom applies to join a Covenant, or approves a Kingdom to join its Covenant, it will be subject to the restriction of "Kingdom Activity." When the total activity of the two Kingdoms exceeds the upper limit set by the system, the applicant will not be able to join the Covenant.
3. Why are Covenants limited by the measure of Kingdom Activity?
Answer: We have shared this information with you in the previous "Kingdom Merger Announcements". The key points are:
i. Ensuring that each Kingdom will have enough active Lords to play together and participate in various follow-up domestic or cross-Kingdom activities.
ii. Avoiding the creation of a large power gap between Kingdoms and ensuring the balance of power and a fair experience for each Kingdom in cross-Kingdom gameplay.
We do not want the following problems to occur after the Kingdoms are merged:
i. Too many active players in one Kingdom creating an overly competitive environment for rewards and resources.
ii. Too many active players in one Kingdom leading to a large power gap between Kingdoms and disrupting the fairness of cross-Kingdom activities.
4. In the process of Covenant Negotiation, will the Kingdom Activity measure change over time?
Answer: No. The activity of each Kingdom has been locked in to before the start of the "Kingdom Covenant" event (before 14:00:00 UTC on January 6, 2021), and the Lord’s current behavior will not have any impact on the Kingdom’s activity measure. The Lords can still play as usual.